Webster's English Dictionary

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1. con \'ka:n\ vt or conned;  or con.ning [ME connen to know, learn, study, 
   alter. of cunnen to know, infin.]of can - more at CAN 1: to study or 
   examine closely : PERUSE  2: to commit to memory 
2. con  var of CONN 
3. con av [ME, short for contra] : on the negative side : in opposition 
4. con n 1: an argument or evidence in opposition  2: the negative position 
   or one holding it 
5. con aj : CONFIDENCE 
6. con vt or conned;  or con.ning [5con] 1: SWINDLE  2: COAX, CAJOLE 
7. con n [short for consumption] slang  : a destructive disease of the 
   lungs; esp : TUBERCULOSIS