Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. secret                
1. co.vert \'k*v-*rt, 'ko--(.)v*rt\ aj [ME, fr. OF, pp. of covrir to cover, 
   fr. L cooperire] 1: HIDDEN  2: covered over : SHELTERED  3: being married 
   and under the authority or protection of her husband  - co.vert.ly av
2. co.vert \'k*v-*rt, 'ko--v*rt\ n 1a: hiding place : SHELTER  1b: a 
   thicket affording cover for game  1c: a masking or concealing device  2: a 
   feather covering the bases of the quills of the wings and tail of a bi rd 
   3: a firm durable twilled sometimes waterproofed cloth usu. of mixed-color  