Webster's English Dictionary

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1. firm \'f*rm\ aj [ME ferm, fr. MF, fr. L firmus; akin to Gk thronos 
   chair, thr]one 1a: securely or solidly fixed in place  1b: SOLID, VIGOROUS  
   1c: having a solid or compact texture  2a1: not subject to change or 
   revision  2a2: not subject to price weakness : STEADY  2b: not easily moved 
   or disturbed : STEADFAST  2c: WELL-FOUNDED  3: indicating firmness or 
   resolution {~ mouth} erence and often elasticity of substance as to resist 
   pulling, distorting, pressing; it connotes stability and resoluteness; HARD 
   implies impenetrability and nearly complete but inelastic resistance to 
   pressure or tension; it may connote stubbornness or lack of feeling; SOLID 
   implies a texture of uniform density so as to be not only firm but heavy; 
   figuratively it implies substantiality, reliability, soundness or sobriety 
   - firm.ly av SYN syn HARD, SOLID: FIRM implies such compactness and coh 
2. firm vt 1: to make secure or fast : FIX  2: to make solid or compact  3: 
   SETTLE, CONFIRM {~ a contract}  : to become firm 
3. firm n [G firma, fr. It, signature, deriv. of L firmare to make firm, 
   conf]irm, fr. firmus 1: the name, title, or style under which company 
   transacts business  2: partnership of two or more persons not recognized as 
   a legal person dist inct from the members composing it 3: a business unit 
   or enterprise