Cross references:
1. fun
1. game \'ga-m\ n [ME, fr. OE gamen; akin to OHG gaman amusement] 1a1:
AMUSEMENT, DIVERSION 1a2: the equipment for a game 1b: FUN, SPORT 2a: a
procedure for gaining an end 2b1: RACKET 2b2: a field of gainful activity
: LINE 3a1: a physical or mental competition conducted according to rules
with the participants in direct opposition to each other 3a2: a division
of a larger contest 3a3: the number of points necessary to win 3a4: the
manner of playing in a contest 3a5: the set of rules governing a game 3b:
a situation involving opposing interests given specific information and
allowed a choice of moves with the object of maximizing their wins and
minimizing their losses 4a1: animals under pursuit or taken in hunting; esp
: wild animals hunted for sport or food 4a2: the flesh of game animals
archaic 4b: PLUCK 4c: an object of ridicule or attack - often used in the
phrase fair ga me
2. game vb : to play for a stake archaic : to lose or squander by
3. game aj 1: having a resolute unyielding spirit {~ to the end} 2: of or
relating to game {~ laws}
4. game aj [perh. fr. 3game] : LAME {a ~ leg}