Webster's English Dictionary

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1. over \'o--v*r\ av [ME, adv. & prep., fr. OE ofer; akin to OHG ubar 
   (prep.) above, bey]ond, over, L super, Gk hyper 1a: across a barrier or 
   intervening space  1b: down or forward and down {fell ~}  1c: across the 
   brim {soup boiled ~}  1d: so as to bring the underside up  1e: from a 
   vertical to a prone or inclined position {knocked him ~ } 1f: from one 
   person or side to another {hand it ~}  1g: ACROSS {got his point ~}  1h: to 
   agreement or concord {won them ~}  2a: beyond some quantity, limit, or norm 
   often by a specified degree {sh ow ran a minute ~} 2b: till a later time  
   3a: ABOVE  3b: so as to cover the whole surface {windows boarded ~}  4a: at 
   an end {the day is ~}  4b: - used on a two-way radio circuit to indicate 
   that a message is comp lete and a reply is expected 5a: THROUGH {read it 
   ~}; also : THOROUGHLY  5b: once more : AGAIN {do it ~} 
2. over \.o--v*r, 'o--\ pp 1a: - used as a function word to indicate 
   position higher than or above  another {towered ~ his mother} 1b: beyond 
   the comprehension of {talked ~ their heads}  2a: - used as a function word 
   to indicate the possession of authority, p ower, or jurisdiction in regard 
   to some thing or person {respected those ~ him} 2b: - used as a function 
   word to indicate superiority, advantage, or pre ference {a big lead ~ the 
   others} 3: more than {cost ~ five dollars}  4a: upon or down upon so as to 
   cover or conceal {laid a blanket ~  the child} 4b: ON, UPON {hit him ~ the 
   head}  4c: throughout a specified area  4d: along the length of {~ the 
   road}  4e: - used as a function word to indicate a particular medium or 
   channel  of communication {~ the radio} 4f: all through {showed me ~ the 
   house}  4g: - used as a function word to indicate study, review, or 
   examination  of something {went ~ his notes} 5a: - used as a function word 
   to indicate motion above something on the  way to the other side or beyond 
   {fly ~ a lake} 5b: - used as a function word to indicate position on the 
   other side or  beyond {lives ~ the way} 6a: THROUGHOUT, DURING {~ the past 
   25 years}  6b: until the end of {stay ~ Sunday}  7a: - used as a function 
   word to indicate an object of solicitude, inter est, consideration, or 
   reference {the Lord watches ~ his own} 7b: - used as a function word to 
   indicate occupation or activity {an h our ~ cards} 7c: on account of 
   {trouble ~ money} 
3. over \'o--v*r, .o--\ aj 1a: UPPER, HIGHER  1b: COVERING, OUTER  1c: 
4. over \'o--v*r\ \'o-v-(*-)rin\ vt or over.ing : to leap over : CLEAR