Webster's English Dictionary

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1. se.cret \'se--kr*t\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L secretus, fr. pp. of secernere 
   to separate, dist]inguish, fr. se- apart + cernere to sift - more at 
   SECEDE, CERTAIN 1a: kept from knowledge or view : HIDDEN  1b: marked by the 
   habit of discretion : CLOSEMOUTHED  1c: working with hidden aims or methods 
   : UNDERCOVER {a ~  agent} 1d: UNACKNOWLEDGED, UNAVOWED {a ~ bride}  2: 
   remote from human frequentation or notice : SECLUDED  3: revealed only to 
   the initiated : ESOTERIC  4: constructed so as to elude observation or 
   detection {a ~ panel)>STINE, SURREPTITIOUS, UNDERHAND mean done without 
   attracting observation. SECRET implies concealment on any grounds for any 
   motive; COVERT stresses the fact of not being open or declared; STEALTHY 
   suggests taking pains to avoid being seen or heard esp. in some misdoing; 
   FURTIVE implies a sly or timid stealthiness; CLANDESTINE implies secrecy 
   usu. for an evil or illicit purpose; SURREPTITIOUS applies to action or 
   behavior done secretly often with skillful avoidance of detection and in 
   violation of usage, law, or authority; UNDERHAND stresses dishonest 
   deception - se.cret.ly av SYN syn SECRET, COVERT, STEALTHY, FURTIVE, CLANDE 
2. secret n 1a: something kept hidden or unexplained : MYSTERY  1b: 
   something kept from the knowledge of others or shared only confidential ly 
   with a few 1c: a method, formula, or process used in an art or a 
   manufacturing operati on and divulged only to those of one's own company or 
   craft pl  1d: the practices or knowledge making up the shared discipline or 
   culture o f an esoteric society 2: a prayer said inaudibly by the celebrant 
   just before the preface of the  mass 3: something taken to be a specific or 
   key to a desired end {the ~  of longevity}