Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. influence              2. power                 
au.thor.i.ty \*-'tha:r-*t-e-, o.-, -'tho.r-\ n [ME auctorite, fr. OF 
   auctorite`, fr. L auctoritat-, auct]oritas opinion, decision, power, fr. 
   auctor 1a: a citation used in defense or support; also : the source from w 
   hich the citation is drawn 1b1: a conclusive statement or set of 
   statements; also : a decision  taken as a precedent 1b2: TESTIMONY  1c: an 
   individual cited or appealed to as an expert  2a: power to influence or 
   command thought, opinion, or behavior  2b: freedom granted : RIGHT  3a: 
   persons in command; specif : GOVERNMENT  3b: a governmental agency or 
   corporation to administer a revenue-producing public enterprise 4a: 
   GROUNDS, WARRANT  4b: convincing force