Webster's English Dictionary

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cov.et.ous \-*s\ aj 1: marked by inordinate desire for wealth or 
   possessions or for another's  possessions 2: having a craving for 
   possession {~ of fame}MCOVETOUS implies inordinateness of desire often for 
   another's possessions; GREEDY stresses lack of restraint and often of 
   discrimination in desire; ACQUISITIVE implies both eagerness to possess and 
   ability to acquire and keep; GRASPING adds to COVETOUS and GREEDY an 
   implication of selfishness and often suggests unfair or ruthless means; 
   AVARICIOUS implies obsessive acquisitiveness esp. of money and strongly 
   suggests stinginess - cov.et.ous.ly av SYN syn GREEDY, ACQUISITIVE,