Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. have                  
pos.sess \p*-'zes also -'ses\ vt [ME possessen, fr. MF possesser to have 
   possession of, take possess]ion of, fr. L possessus, pp. of posside-re, fr. 
   potis able, in power + sede-re to sit - more at POTENT, SIT obs  1a: to 
   instate in as owner  1b: to make the owner or holder  1c: to have 
   possession of  2a: to have and hold as property : OWN  2b: to have as an 
   attribute, knowledge, or skill  3a: to take into one's possession  3b: to 
   enter into and control firmly : DOMINATE {~ed  by a demon}