Webster's English Dictionary

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mon.ey \'m*n-e-\ \'m*n-e-z\ \'m*n-e--.len-d*r\ n or moneys or mon.ies [ME 
   moneye, fr. MF moneie, fr. L moneta mint, money - more] pl at MINT 1: 
   something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value , 
   or a means of payment : as 1a: officially coined or stamped metal currency  
   1b: MONEY OF ACCOUNT  1c: PAPER MONEY  2: wealth reckoned in terms of money 
    3: a form or denomination of coin or paper money  4a: the first, second, 
   and third place winners in a horse or dog race  4b: prize money {his horse 
   took third ~}  5: persons or interests possessing or controlling great 
   wealth  - mon.ey.lend.er n