Webster's English Dictionary

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im.pli.ca.tion \.im-pl*-'ka--sh*n\ \'im-pl*-.ka-t-iv, im-'plik-*t-\ n 1a: 
   the act of implicating or the state of being implicated  1b: close 
   connection; esp : an incriminating involvement  2a: the act of implying or 
   the state of being implied  2b1: a logical relation between two 
   propositions that fails to hold only if  the first is true and the second 
   is false 2b2: a logical relationship between two propositions in which if 
   the first  is true the second is true 2b3: a statement exhibiting a 
   relation of implication  3: something implied  - im.pli.ca.tive aj