Webster's English Dictionary

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1. lack \'lak\ vb [ME laken, fr. MD; akin to ON leka to leak] 1: to be 
   wanting or missing  2: to be short or have need  1: to be destitute of or 
   deficient in  2: REQUIRE, NEED  something essential or greatly desired. 
   LACK may imply either an absence or a shortage in supply {room lacks 
   closets} {lack fuel for such a trip} WANT adds to LACK the implication of 
   desiring or needing urgently {the house wants painting} NEED clearly 
   suggests urgent necessity {he needs medicine} REQUIRE suggests 
   imperativeness of needing, desiring, or even craving SYN syn LACK, WANT, 
   NEED, REQUIRE mean to be without 
2. lack n 1: the fact or state of being wanting or deficient : NEED  2: 
   something that is lacking or is needed