Webster's English Dictionary

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1. keep \'ke-p\ \'kept\ vb or kept;  or keep.ing [ME kepen, fr. OE ce-pan; 
   akin to OHG chapfe-n to look] 1: OBSERVE, FULFILL : as  1a: to be faithful 
   to {~ a promise}  1b: to act fittingly in relation to {~ the Sabbath}  1c: 
   to conform to in habits or conduct {~ late hours}  1d: to stay in accord 
   with (a beat) {~ time}  2: PRESERVE, MAINTAIN : as  2a: to watch over and 
   defend {~ us from harm}  2b1: to take care of : TEND {~ a garden}  2b2: 
   SUPPORT {~ a wife}  2b3: to maintain in a good, fitting, or orderly 
   condition {~ house  ~s his car up} 2c: to continue to maintain {~ silence}  
   2d1: to cause to remain in a given place, situation, or condition {~)R him 
   waiting} 2d2: to preserve (food) in an unspoiled condition  2e: to have or 
   maintain in one's service or at one's disposal {~ a  cook} {~ a mistress} 
   {~ a horse}; also : to lodge or feed for pay {~ boarders} 2f1: to maintain 
   a record in {~ books}  2f2: to enter in a book {~ records}  2g: to have 
   customarily in stock for sale  3a: to restrain from departure or removal : 
   DETAIN {~ chil dren in after school} 3b: to hold back {~ him from going 
   kept him back with diffic ulty} {kept her feelings in} 3c: SAVE, RESERVE {~ 
   some for later} {kept some ou t for a friend} 3d: to refrain from revealing 
   {~ a secret}  4a: to retain in one's possession or power {kept the money he 
   foun d} 4b: WITHHOLD {kept the news back}  4c: to have in control {~ your 
   temper}  5: to confine oneself to {~s her room}  6a: to stay or continue in 
   {~ the path} {~ your seat}  6b: to stay or remain on or in against 
   opposition : HOLD {~R the field under fire} 7: to carry on : CONDUCT, 
   MANAGE {~ a tearoom}  8: to associate with (company)  chiefly Brit  1: 
   LIVE, LODGE  2a: to maintain a course, direction, or progress {~ right}  
   2b: to continue usu. without interruption {~ talking} {~ on sm iling} 2c: 
   to persist in a practice {kept bothering them} {kept  on smoking in spite 
   of warnings} 3: STAY, REMAIN {~ out of the way} {~ off th e grass} : as 3a: 
   to stay even {try to ~ with the faster boys} {~ up w ith the Joneses} 3b: 
   to remain in good condition {meat will ~ in the freezer}  3c: to remain 
   undivulged {the secret would ~}  3d: to call for no immediate action {the 
   matter will ~ until morni ng} 4: ABSTAIN, REFRAIN {can't ~ from talking}  
   5: to be in session {school ~s five days a week} M mean not to let go from 
   one's possession or control. KEEP implies nothing more than this; RETAIN 
   suggests continued keeping esp. against a threat to seize; DETAIN suggests 
   a delay in letting go; WITHHOLD suggests delay or refusal to let go or give 
   often for good reason; RESERVE stresses a keeping for anticipated future 
   needo notice or honor a day, occasion, or deed. KEEP stresses the idea of 
   not neglecting or violating; OBSERVE implies punctilious performing of 
   required acts or ceremonies; CELEBRATE suggests acknowledging an occasion 
   by festivity or indulgence; COMMEMORATE implies observances that call to 
   mind the day or event to be celebrated : WATCH  : to persist in doing or 
   concerning oneself with  : to go together as frequent companions or in 
   courtship  : to keep in practice  : KEEP vi 3a  : to keep in step  1a: to 
   stay in  1b: to limit oneself to  2: to abide by  1: to keep secret  2: to 
   remain solitary or apart from other people  - keep an eye on  SYN syn KEEP, 
   COMMEMORATE mean t 
2. keep n archaic  1a: CUSTODY, CHARGE  1b: MAINTENANCE  2: one that keeps 
   or protects : as  2a: FORTRESS, CASTLE; specif : the strongest and secure 
   st part of a medieval castle 2b: KEEPER  2c: PRISON, JAIL  3: the means or 
   provisions by which one is kept  4: a football play in which the 
   quarterback keeps the ball and runs with it  1a: with the provision that 
   one keep what he has won  1b: with deadly seriousness  2: PERMANENTLY  3: 
   with the result of ending the matter  - for keeps