Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. universal             
1. gen.er.al \'jen-(*-)r*l\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L generalis, fr. gener-, 
   genus kind, class -m more at KIN 1: involving or applicable to the whole  
   2: involving, relating to, or applicable to every member of a class, kind,  
   or group 3a: applicable to or characteristic of the majority of individuals 
   involve d : PREVALENT 3b: concerned or dealing with universal rather than 
   particular aspects  4: relating to, determined by, or concerned with main 
   elements rather than  limited details {bearing a ~ resemblance to the 
   original} 5: not confined by specialization or careful limitation  6: 
   belonging to the common nature of a group of like individuals : GE NERIC 7: 
   holding superior rank 
2. general n 1: something that involves or is applicable to the whole  
   archaic  2: the general public : PEOPLE  3: SUPERIOR GENERAL  4a: GENERAL 
   OFFICER  4b1: a commissioned officer in the army or air force ranking above 
   a lieute nant general and below a general of the army or a general of the 
   air force 4b2: a commissioned officer of the highest rank in the marine 
   corps  : for the most part : GENERALLY  - in general