Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. type                  
na.ture \'na--ch*r\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L natura, fr. natus, pp. of nasci to 
   be born] - more at NATION 1a: the inherent character or basic constitution 
   of a person or thing : (MESSENCE 1b: DISPOSITION, TEMPERAMENT  2a: a 
   creative and controlling force in the universe  2b: an inner force or the 
   sum of such forces in an individual  3: general character : KIND {acts of a 
   ceremonial ~}  4: the physical constitution or drives of an organism  5: a 
   spontaneous attitude (as of generosity)  6: the external world in its 
   entirety  7a: man's original or natural condition  7b: a simplified mode of 
   life resembling this condition  8: natural scenery