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Cross references:
  1. disposition            2. mood                  
1. tem.per \'tem-p*r\ \-p(*-)rin\ \-p(*-)r*-b*l\ \-p*r-*r\ vb or 
   tem.per.ing [ME temperen, fr. OE & OF; OE temprian & OF temprer, fr. L 
   Xtemperare to moderate, mix, temper; prob. akin to L tempor-, tempus time - 
   more at TEMPORAL 1: to dilute or soften by the addition of something else : 
   MODERATEM, SEASON {~ justice with mercy} archaic  2a: to exercise control 
   over : GOVERN, RESTRAIN  2b: to cause to be well disposed : MOLLIFY  3: to 
   bring to a suitable state by mixing in or adding a usu. liquid ingre dient 
   : as 3a: to mix (clay) with water and knead to a uniform texture  3b: to 
   mix oil with (colors) in making paint ready for use  4a1: to soften 
   (hardened steel or cast iron) by reheating at a lower tempe rature 4a2: to 
   harden (steel) by reheating and cooling in oil  4b: to anneal or toughen 
   (glass) by a process of gradually heating and coo ling 5: to make stronger 
   and more resilient through hardship : TOUGHEN  {troops ~ed in battle} 6a: 
   to put in tune with something : ATTUNE  6b: to adjust the pitch of (a note, 
   chord, or instrument) to a temperament  : to produce satisfactory temper 
   (as in a metal)  - tem.per.able aj
2. temper n archaic  1a: a suitable proportion or balance of qualities : a 
   middle state betwee n extremes : MEAN, MEDIUM archaic  1b: CHARACTER, 
   QUALITY  1c: characteristic tone : TREND, TENDENCY  1d: high quality of 
   mind or spirit : COURAGE, METTLE  2: the state of a substance with respect 
   to certain desired qualities (as h ardness, elasticity, or workability) : 
   as 2a1: the degree of hardness or resiliency given steel by tempering  2a2: 
   the color of steel after tempering  2b: the feel and relative solidity of 
   leather  3: a substance added to or mixed with something else to modify the 
   properti es of the latter : as 3a: any of various mixtures of metals added 
   to another metal in making an a lloy 3b: the carbon content of steel that 
   affects its hardening properties  4a: a characteristic cast of mind or 
   state of feeling : DISPOSITION  4b: calmness of mind : COMPOSURE, 
   EQUANIMITY  4c: state of feeling or frame of mind at a particular time : 
   HUMOR,  MOOD 4d: heat of mind or emotion : proneness to anger : PASSION