Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. devote                
1. ded.i.cate \'ded-i-k*t\ aj [ME, fr. L dedicatus, pp. of dedicare to 
   dedicate, fr. de- +]dicare to proclaim, dedicate : DEDICATED 
2. ded.i.cate \'ded-i-.ka-t\ \-.ka-t-*r\ vt 1: to devote to the worship of 
   a divine being; specif : to set apa rt (a church) to sacred uses with 
   solemn rites 2: to set apart to a definite use  3: to become committed to  
   4: to inscribe or address by way of compliment  5: to open to public use  - 
   ded.i.ca.tor n