Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. tact                  
1. ad.dress \*-'dres\ vb [ME adressen, fr. MF adresser, fr. a- (fr. L ad-) 
   + ]dresser to arrange - more at DRESS 1a: DIRECT, AIM  1b: to direct to go 
   : SEND  archaic  2: to make ready; esp : DRESS  3: to direct the efforts or 
   attention of (oneself)  4a: to communicate directly  4b: to communicate 
   directly to; esp : to deliver a formal speech t o 5a: to mark directions 
   for delivery on {~ a letter}  5b: to consign to the care of another  6: to 
   greet by a prescribed form  7: to adjust the club preparatory to hitting (a 
   golf ball)  obs  : to direct one's speech or attentions  - ad.dress.er n
2. ad.dress \*-'dres, 'ad-.res\ n 1a: obs : PREPARATION  1b: skillful 
   readiness : ADROITNESS  2a: BEARING, DEPORTMENT  2b: the manner of speaking 
   or singing : DELIVERY  3: dutiful attention esp. in courtship - usu. used 
   in pl.  4: a formal communication; esp : a prepared speech delivered to a s 
   pecial audience or on a special occasion 5a: a place where a person or 
   organization may be communicated with  5b: directions for delivery on the 
   outside of an object (as a letter or package) 5c: the designation of place 
   of delivery on a business letter  6: a preparatory position of the player 
   and club in golf  7: a unit where particular information is stored (as in a 