Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. frank                  2. liable                
1. open \'o--p*n, 'o-p-*m\ \'o-p-(*-)n*r\ \-(*-)n*st\ \'o--p*n-le-\ 
   \-p*n-n*s\ aj or open.er;  or open.est [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG offan open; 
   both fr. a prehistoric NGmc-WGmc wor]d akin to OE u-p up 1: so arranged as 
   to permit ingress, egress, or passage : as  1a: having no enclosing or 
   confining barrier  1b: not shut or fast {~ door}  1c1: not stopped by a 
   finger {~ string of a violin}  1c2: having clarity and resonance unimpaired 
   by undue tension or constrict ion of the throat {~ vocal tone} 2a: exposed 
   to general knowledge {~ ballot}  2b: free from reserve {~ manner}  3a: 
   having no roof, lid, or other covering  3b: having no protective or 
   concealing cover : BARE  3c: SUBJECT {~ to infection}  4a: requiring no 
   special status, identification, or permit for entry or pa rticipation {~ 
   meeting} 4b: enterable by both amateur and professional contestants {~ tour 
   nament} 5: presenting no obstacle to passage or view  6: not drawn 
   together, folded, or contracted  7a: LOW  7b: formed with the tongue in a 
   lower position {Italian has an ~ a nd a close e} 7c: ending in a vowel {~ 
   syllable}  8a: ACCESSIBLE, USABLE {keep an hour ~ on Friday}  8b: available 
   for consideration or decision {~ verdict}  8c: kept available for future 
   custom {an ~ pattern}  8d: not terminated or liquidated : OPERATIVE  8e: 
   legally available for hunting or fishing {~ season}  8f: unoccupied and 
   undefended by military forces and divested of any milit ary installation 
   and so immune under international law from enemy bombardment {~ city} 9: 
   characterized by ready accessibility and cooperative attitude : as  9a: 
   generous in giving  9b: willing to hear and consider or to accept and deal 
   with : RESPONS IVE 9c: accessible to the influx of new factors {~ market}  
   10: having openings, interruptions, or spaces : as  10a: porous and friable 
   {~ soil}  10b: sparsely distributed : SCATTERED {~ population}  10c1: 
   having relatively wide spacing between words or lines {~ typ e} of a 
   compound  10c2: having components separated by a space in writing or 
   printing  11: ready to operate : ACTIVE {the store is ~ from 9 to 5)> 12a1: 
   characterized by lack of effective regulation of various commercial  
   enterprises {an ~ town} 12a2: not repressed by legal controls {~ gambling}  
   12b: free from checking or hampering restraints {~ economy}  12c: 
   relatively unguarded by opponents {~ court}  13: having been opened by a 
   first ante, bet, or bid {the bidding is ~ } of punctuation  14: 
   characterized by sparing use esp. of the comma  - open av
2. open \'o--p*n, 'o-p-*m\ \'o--p*nd, 'o-p-*md\ \'o-p-(*-)nin\ \'o--p*nz, 
   'o-p-*mz\ vb or opened;  or open.ing or opens 1a: to move (as a door) from 
   closed position  1b: to make available for entry or passage by turning 
   back, removing, or c learing away 2a: to make available for or active in a 
   regular function {~ a new  store} 2b: to make accessible for a particular 
   purpose  3a: to disclose or expose to view : REVEAL  3b: to make more 
   discerning or responsive : ENLIGHTEN  3c: to bring into view or come in 
   sight of by changing position  4a: to make one or more openings in {~ed the 
   boil}  4b: to loosen and make less compact {~ the soil}  5: to spread out : 
   UNFOLD {~ed the book}  6a: to enter upon : BEGIN  6b: to commence action in 
   a card game by making (a first bid), putting a f irst bet in (the pot), or 
   playing (a card or suit) as first lead 7: to restore or recall (as an 
   order) from a finally determined state to a  state in which the parties are 
   free to prosecute or oppose 1: to become open : UNCLOSE  2a: to spread out 
   : EXPAND {the wound ~ed under the  strain} 2b: to become disclosed  3: to 
   become enlightened or responsive  4: to give access {the rooms ~ onto a 
   hall}  5: to speak out  6a: to begin a course or activity  6b: to make a 
   bet, bid, or lead in commencing a round or hand of a card ga me
3. open n 1: OPENING  2: open and unobstructed space; also : open water  3: 
   an open contest, competition, or tournament