Cross references:
1. method
1. way or out of one's way \'wa-\ n [ME, fr. OE weg; akin to OHG weg way,
OE wegan to move, L ]vehere to carry 1a: a thoroughfare for travel or
transportation from place to place 1b: an opening for passage 2: the
course traveled from one place to another : ROUTE 3a: a nonspatial course
(as a series of actions or sequence of events) lead ing in a direction or
toward an objective 3b1: a course of action 3b2: opportunity, capability,
or fact of doing as one pleases 3c: a possible course : POSSIBILITY 4a:
manner or method of doing or happening; also : method of accomp lishing :
MEANS 4b: FEATURE, RESPECT 4c: the state of being or acting on a specified
scale {active in real est ate in a small ~} 4d: usual or characteristic
state of affairs 4e: STATE, CONDITION - used with the, this, or Xthat in
phrases that stand in predicative or modifying relation esp. to the verb be
5a1: characteristic or habitual manner of acting 5a2: a personal trait :
IDIOSYNCRASY 5a3: an ingratiating mode of behavior 5a4: a recognized
practice, tendency, or quality 5a5: an endearing trick of behavior 5b:
regular continued course or mode 6: the length of a course : DISTANCE 7:
movement or progress along a course; specif : advancement in one 's career
8a: DIRECTION {is coming this ~} 8b: LOCALITY, DISTRICT {lives out our ~}
8c: direction with reference to the lie of a natural growth (as hair) 8d:
PARTICIPANT - usu. used in combination {three-way discu ssion} 9: state of
affairs : CONDITION 10a: room or opportunity to advance, pass, or progress
10b: freedom of action 10c: a place or position to be occupied by another
- used as object of Xmake 11: scope or range of observation, experience, or
possible acquisition pl but sometimes sing in constr 12a: an inclined
structure upon which a ship is built or supported in launc hing pl 12b:
the guiding surfaces on the bed of a machine along which a table or ca
rriage moves 13: CATEGORY, KIND - usu. used in a prepositional phrase intr
oduced by in 14: motion or speed of a ship or boat through the water 1:
for the purpose of {by way of illustration} 2: by the route through : VIA
1: WRONG, IMPROPER 2a: in or to a secluded place 2b: UNUSUAL, REMARKABLE
3: in or into a position not lying in or obstructing one's course 1: in
motion through the water 2: in progress - by way of
2. way aj : of, connected with, or constituting an intermediate point on a
route (~ station}
3. way av : AWAY