Webster's English Dictionary

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dis.till also dis.til \dis-'til\ vb also dis.tilled;  or dis.till.ing or 
   dis.tills also dis.tils [ME distillen, fr. MF distiller, fr. LL distillare, 
   alter. of] L destillare, fr. de- + stillare to drip, fr. stilla drop; akin 
   to OE sta-n stone - more at STONE 1: to let fall, exude, or precipitate in 
   drops or in a wet mist  2a: to subject to or transform by distillation  2b: 
   to obtain by or as if by distillation  2c: to extract the essence of : 
   CONCENTRATE  1a: to fall or materialize in drops or in a fine moisture : 
   DROP  1b: to appear slowly or in small quantities at a time  2a: to undergo 
   distillation  2b: to condense or drop from a still after distillation