Webster's English Dictionary

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1. still \'stil\ aj [ME stille, fr. OE; akin to OHG stilli still, OE steall 
   stall] 1a: MOTIONLESS  archaic  1b: SEDENTARY  1c: not carbonated {~ wine}  
   1d: of, relating to, or being a static photograph as contrasted with a mot 
   ion picture 2a: uttering no sound : QUIET  2b: SUBDUED, MUTED  3a: CALM, 
   TRANQUIL  3b: free from noise or turbulence : PEACEFUL  - still.ness n
2. still vt 1a: ALLAY, CALM  1b: SETTLE  2: to arrest the motion of : 
   ASSUAGE  3: SILENCE  : to become motionless or silent : QUIET 
3. still av 1: without motion {sit ~}  archaic  2a: ALWAYS, CONTINUALLY  
   2b: PROGRESSIVELY, INCREASINGLY  3: - used as a function word to indicate 
   the continuance of an action or  condition {~ lived there} {drink it while 
   it's ~ hot} {will ~ be rich} 4: in spite of that : NEVERTHELESS {those who 
   take the greatest  care ~ make mistakes} {the book is not perfect; ~, it is 
   very good} 5a: EVEN {a ~ more difficult problem}  5b: YET 
4. still n 1: QUIET, SILENCE  2: a static photograph; specif : a photograph 
   of actors or scenes o f a motion picture for publicity or documentary 
5. still vb [ME stillen, short for distillen to distill] : DISTILL 
6. still n 1: DISTILLERY  2: apparatus used in distillation comprising 
   either the chamber in which th e vaporization is carried out or the entire 