Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. citizen                2. liable                
1. sub.ject \'s*b-jikt\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L subjectus one under authority 
   & subjectum subjec]t of a proposition, fr. masc. & neut. respectively of 
   subjectus, pp. of subicere to subject, lit., to throw under, fr. sub- + 
   jacere to throw - more at JET 1: one that is placed under authority or 
   control : as  1a: VASSAL  1b1: one subject to a monarch and governed by his 
   law  1b2: one who lives in the territory of, enjoys the protection of, and 
   owes  allegiance to a sovereign power or state 2a: that of which a quality, 
   attribute, or relation may be affirmed or in w hich it may inhere 2b: 
   SUBSTRATUM; esp : material or essential substance  2c: the mind, ego, or 
   agent of whatever sort that sustains or assumes the f orm of thought or 
   consciousness 3a: a department of knowledge or learning  3b: MOTIVE, CAUSE  
   3c1: one that is acted upon  3c2: an individual whose reactions or 
   responses are studied  3c3: a dead body for anatomical study and dissection 
    3d1: something concerning which something is said or done  3d2: something 
   represented or indicated in a work of art  3e1: the term of a logical 
   proposition that denotes the entity of which som ething is affirmed or 
   denied; also : the entity denoted 3e2: a word or word group denoting that 
   of which something is predicated  3f: the principal melodic phrase on which 
   a musical composition or movement  is based
2. subject aj 1: owing obedience or allegiance to the power or dominion of 
3. sub.ject \s*b-'jekt\ \-'jek-sh*n\ vt 1a: to bring under control or 
   dominion : SUBJUGATE  1b: to make (as oneself) amenable to the discipline 
   and control of a super ior 2a: to make liable : PREDISPOSE  2b: to make 
   accountable : SUBMIT  3: to cause to undergo or submit to : EXPOSE  - 
   sub.jec.tion n