Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wet \'wet\ aj [ME, partly fr. pp. of weten to wet & partly fr. OE 
   w-t] wet; akin to ON va-tr wet, OE wter water 1a: consisting of, 
   containing, covered with, or soaked with liquid (as wat er) of natural gas  
   1b: containing appreciable quantities of readily condensable hydrocarbons  
   2: RAINY  3: still moist enough to smudge or smear {~ paint}  of a fish  4: 
   not processed, dried, or reduced  5a: permitting the manufacture and sale 
   of alcoholic liquor  5b: advocating a policy of permitting such traffic {a 
   ~ candidate)> 6: preserved in liquid  7: employing or done by means of or 
   in the presence of water or other liqu id {~ extraction of copper} 8: 
   perversely wrong : MISGUIDED {all ~} lies saturation but may suggest a 
   covering of a surface with water or something (as paint) not yet dry; DAMP 
   implies a slight or moderate absorption and often connotes an unpleasant 
   degree of moisture; DANK implies a more distinctly disagreeable or 
   unwholesome dampness often connoting lack of fresh air and sunlight; MOIST 
   applies to what is slightly damp or not felt as dry; HUMID implies the 
   presence of much water vapor in the air - wet.ly av SYN syn DAMP, DANK, 
   MOIST, HUMID: WET usu. imp 
2. wet n 1: WATER; also : WETNESS, MOISTURE  2: rainy weather : RAIN  3: an 
   advocate of a policy of permitting the sale of intoxicating liquors 
3. wet vb or wet or wet.ted;  or wet.ting [ME weten, fr. OE w-tan, fr. 
   w-t, adj]. 1: to make wet  2: to urinate in or on  : to become wet  : 
   to take a drink esp. of liquor  - wet one's whistle