Webster's English Dictionary

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1. trans.form \tran(t)s-'fo.(*)rm\ \-'fo.r-m*t-iv\ vb [ME transformen, fr. 
   L transformare, fr. trans- + formare)X to form, fr. forma form 1a: to 
   change in composition or structure  1b: to change the outward form or 
   appearance of  1c: to change in character or condition : CONVERT  2: to 
   subject to mathematical transformation  3: to change (a current) in 
   potential (as from high voltage to low) or in  type (as from alternating to 
   direct) : to become transformed : CHANGE  TRANSMOGRIFY, TRANSFIGURE mean to 
   change a thing into a different thing. TRANSFORM implies a major change in 
   form, nature, or function; METAMORPHOSE suggests a change induced 
   supernaturally or magically or as by magic; TRANSMUTE implies transforming 
   into a higher element or thing; CONVERT implies a change fitting something 
   for a new or different use or function; TRANSMOGRIFY suggests a grotesque 
   or preposterous metamorphosis; TRANSFIGURE implies a change that exalts or 
   glorifies - trans.for.ma.tive aj SYN syn TRANSFORM, METAMORPHOSE, 
2. trans.form \'tran(t)s-.fo.rm\ n 1: a mathematical element obtained from 
   another by transformation  2: TRANSFORMATION