Webster's English Dictionary

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1. drop \'dra:p\ n [ME, fr. OE dropa; akin to Goth driusan to fall - more 
   at DREA] [2drop] [2drop]RY 1a1: the quantity of fluid that falls in one 
   spherical mass  pl  1a2: a dose of medicine measured by drops; specif : a 
   solution  for  dilating the pupil of the eye 1b: a small quantity of drink  
   1c: the smallest practical unit of liquid measure  2: something that 
   resembles a liquid drop : as  2a: a pendent ornament attached to a piece of 
   jewelry; also : an ea rring with such a pendant 2b: a small globular candy  
   3a: the act or an instance of dropping : FALL  3b: a decline in quantity or 
   quality  3c: a descent by parachute; also : the men or equipment dropped by 
    parachute 4a: the distance from a higher to a lower level or through which 
   something  drops 4b: a fall of electric potential  5: a slot into which 
   something is to be dropped  6: something that drops, hangs, or falls : as  
   6a: a movable plate that covers the keyhole of a lock  6b: an unframed 
   piece of cloth scenery in a theater; also : DROP  CURTAIN 6c: a hinged 
   platform on a gallows  6d: a fallen fruit  7: the advantage of having an 
   opponent covered with a firearm - usu. used  in the phrase get the drop on
2. drop vb or dropped;  or drop.ping 1: to fall in drops  2a1: to fall 
   unexpectedly or suddenly  2a2: to descend from one line or level to another 
    2b: to fall in a state of collapse or death  of a card  2c: to become 
   played by reason of the obligation to follow suit  3: to move with a 
   favoring wind or current - usu. used with down  4: to enter as if without 
   conscious effort of will into some state, condit ion, or activity {dropped 
   into sleep} 5a: to cease to be of concern : LAPSE {let the matter ~}  5b: 
   to become less {production dropped} - often used with o ff 5c: to withdraw 
   from participation or membership : QUIT - usu. u sed with out 1: to let 
   fall or cause to fall  2a: to lower or cause to descend from one level to 
   another  2b: to lower (wheels) in preparation for landing an airplane  2c: 
   to cause to lessen or decrease : REDUCE {dropped his s peed} 3: to set down 
   from a ship or vehicle : UNLOAD; also :  AIR-DROP 4: to cause (the voice) 
   to be less loud  5a: to bring down with a shot or a blow  5b: to cause (a 
   high card) to fall  5c: to toss or roll (a ball) into a hole or basket  6a: 
   to give up (as an idea)  6b: to leave incomplete {~ a sentence in the 
   middle}  6c: to break off an association or connection with : DISMISS {R@ a 
   failing student} 7a: to leave (a letter) unsounded {~ the r in farm}  7b: 
   to leave out in writing  8a: to utter or mention in a casual way {~ a 
   suggestion}  8b: to send by mail  of an animal  9: to give birth to  10: 
   LOSE {dropped 3 games}  : to move toward the rear of an advancing line or 
   column  : to fail to keep abreast  : to pay a brief casual visit  : to pay 
   an unexpected visit  - drop back