Webster's English Dictionary

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1. faint \'fa-nt\ \'fa-nt-ish\ aj [ME faint, feint, fr. OF, fr. pp. of 
   faindre, feindre t]o feign, shirk - more at FEIGN 1: lacking courage and 
   spirit : COWARDLY  2: weak, dizzy, and likely to faint  3a: lacking 
   strength : FEEBLE  3b: performed weakly or languidly  4: producing a 
   sensation of faintness : OPPRESSIVE  5: lacking distinctness : DIM  - 
   faint.ish aj
2. faint vi archaic  1: to lose courage or spirit  archaic  2: to become 
   weak  3: to lose consciouness because of a temporary decrease in the blood 
   suppl y to the brain 4: to lose brightness 
3. faint n : an act or condition of fainting : SYNCOPE