Webster's English Dictionary

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1. blood \'bl*d\ n [ME, fr. OE blo-d; akin to OHG bluot blood] often attrib 
    1a: the fluid that circulates in the heart, arteries, capillaries, and 
   vein s of a vertebrate animal carrying nourishment and oxygen to and 
   bringing away waste products from all parts of the body 1b: a comparable 
   fluid of an invertebrate  1c: a fluid resembling blood  2a: LIFEBLOOD; 
   broadly : LIFE  2b: human stock or lineage; esp : royal lineage {a prince 
   of the  ~} 2c: relationship by descent from a common ancestor : KINSHIP  
   2d: persons related through common descent : KINDRED  2e1: honorable or 
   high birth or descent  2e2: descent from parents of recognized breed or 
   pedigree  3: the shedding of blood; also : the taking of life  4a: blood 
   regarded as the seat of the emotions : TEMPER  obs  4b: LUST  4c: a gay 
   showy foppish man : RAKE  5: PERSONNEL 
2. blood vt 1: to stain or wet with blood  2a: to expose (a hunting dog) to 
   sight, scent, or taste of the blood of it s prey 2b: to give experience to