Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. state                 
1. con.di.tion \k*n-'dish-*n\ n [ME condicion, fr. MF, fr. L condicion-, 
   condicio terms of ag]reement, condition, fr condicere to agree, fr. com- + 
   dicere to say, determine - more at DICTION 1a: a premise upon which the 
   fulfillment of an agreement depends : STI PULATION obs  1b: COVENANT  1c: a 
   provision making the effect of a legal instrument contingent upon an  
   uncertain event; also : the event itself 2: something essential to the 
   appearance or occurrence of something else :: PREREQUISITE : as 2a: an 
   environmental requirement  2b: the subordinate clause of a conditional 
   sentence  3a: a restricting or modifying factor : QUALIFICATION  3b: an 
   unsatisfactory academic grade that may be raised by doing additional  work 
   4a: a state of being  4b: social status : RANK  4c: a state of health  4d: 
   a state of physical fitness or readiness for use  pl  4e: attendant 
   circumstances  obs  5a: temper of mind  obs  5b: TRAIT  pl, archaic  5c: 
2. condition \-'dish-(*-)nin\ \-'dish-(*-)n*r\ vb or con.di.tion.ing 
   archaic  : to make stipulations  1: to agree by stipulating  2: to make 
   conditional  3a: to put into a proper state for work or use  3b: 
   AIR-CONDITION  4: to give a grade of condition to  5a: to adapt, modify, or 
   mold to conform to an environing culture  5b: to modify so that an act or 
   response previously associated with one st imulus becomes associated with 
   another - con.di.tion.er n