Webster's English Dictionary

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lose \'lu:z\ \'lo.st\ vb or lost;  or los.ing [ME losen, fr. OE losian to 
   perish, lose, fr. los destruction]; akin to OE le-osan to lose; akin to ON 
   losa to loosen, L luere to release, atone for, Gk lyein to loosen, 
   dissolve, destroy 1: to bring to destruction - used chiefly in passive 
   constructions {sh ip was lost on the reef}; specif : DAMN {if he shall gain 
   the whole world and ~ his own soul -Mt 16:26 (AV)} 2: to miss from one's 
   possessions or customary or supposed place  3: to suffer deprivation of : 
   part with esp. in an unforeseen or acciden tal manner 4a: to suffer loss 
   through the death or removal of or final separation fro m (a person) 4b: to 
   fail to keep control of or allegiance of {~ votes}  5a: to fail to use : 
   let slip by : WASTE {~ the tide}  5b: to fail to win, gain, or obtain {~ a 
   prize ~ a contest> : undergo defeat in {lost every battle} 5c: to fail to 
   catch with the senses or the mind {lost part of wha t he said} 6: to cause 
   the loss of {one careless statement lost him the elect ion} 7: to fail to 
   keep, sustain, or maintain {lost his balance}  8a: to cause to miss one's 
   way or bearings {lost himself in the ma ze of streets} 8b: to make 
   (oneself) withdrawn from immediate reality {lost himse lf in daydreaming} 
   9a: to wander or go astray from {lost his way}  9b: to draw away from : 
   OUTSTRIP {lost his pursuers}  10: to fail to keep in sight or in mind  11: 
   to free oneself from : get rid of {dieting to ~ some weight)> 1: to undergo 
   deprivation of something of value  2: to undergo defeat {~ with good grace} 
    of a timepiece  3: to run slow  : to suffer loss or disadvantage : fail to 
   advance or improve  : to fall in love  - lose ground