Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. power                 
strength \'stren(k)th\ \'stren(k)s, 'stren(k)ths\ n or strengths [ME 
   strengthe, fr. OE strengthu; akin to OHG strengi strong -] plm more at 
   STRONG 1: the quality or state of being strong : capacity for exertion or 
   endura nce 2: power to resist force : SOLIDITY, TOUGHNESS  3: power of 
   resisting attack : IMPREGNABILITY  4: legal, logical, or moral force  5a: 
   degree of potency of effect or of concentration  5b: intensity of light, 
   color, sound, or odor  5c: vigor of expression  6: force as measured in 
   numbers : effective numbers of any body or organi zation {army at full ~} 
   7: one regarded as embodying or affording force or firmness : SUPPORT)M 8: 
   maintenance of or a rising tendency in a price level : firmness of pri ces