Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. refrain               
1. for.bear \fo.r-'ba(*)r, f*r-, -'be(*)r\ \-'bo-(*)r, -'bo.(*)r\ 
   \-'bo-(*)rn, -'bo.(*)rn\ vb or for.bore;  or for.borne or for.bear.ing [ME 
   forberen, fr. OE forberan, fr. for- + beran to bear] obs  1: to bear with : 
   ENDURE  obs  2: to leave alone : SHUN {~ his presence -Shak.}  obs  3: to 
   do without  4: to refrain from : abstain or desist from  1: to hold back : 
   ABSTAIN  2: to control oneself when provoked : be patient  - for.bear.er n
2. forbear  var of FOREBEAR