Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. go                    
1. leave \'le-v\ \'left\ vb or left;  or leav.ing [ME leven, fr. OE 
   l-fan; akin to OHG verleiben to] leave, OE beli-fan to be left over, 
   Gk lipos fat 1a: BEQUEATH  1b: to depart without removing (something caused 
   or brought) {wound ~ s a scar} {mailman left a letter} 1c: to fail to take 
   or refrain from taking {~ her at home}  1d: to allow to remain in a 
   specified state or undisturbed {~ the  door open} 1e: to have as a 
   remainder {4 from 7 ~s 3}  2a: to go away from : DEPART {~ town}  2b: 
   DESERT, ABANDON {left his wife}  2c: to give up : RELINQUISH {left business 
   for research}  : to set out : DEPART  - leav.er n
2. leave n [ME leve, fr. OE le-af; akin to MHG loube permission, OE 
   a]ly-fan to allow - more at BELIEVE 1a: PERMISSION  1b: authorized esp. 
   extended absence from duty or employment  2: an act of leaving : DEPARTURE 
3. leave vi [ME leven, fr. leef leaf] : LEAF