Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. contain                2. have                  
1. hold \'ho-ld\ \'held\ vb or held;  or hold.ing [ME holden, fr. OE 
   healdan; akin to OHG haltan to hold, L ]celer rapid 1a: to maintain 
   possession of : POSSESS  1b: to retain by force  1c: to keep control of or 
   authority over  1d: to keep as a threat or means of coercion  2: to impose 
   restraint upon : as  2a: to refrain from producing  2b1: to keep back  2b2: 
   STAY, ARREST  2b3: DELAY  2b4: to stop the action of temporarily  2c: to 
   keep from advancing or succeeding in attack  2d: to restrict or limit by 
   acting to control or oppose  2e: to bind legally or morally : CONSTRAIN  
   2f: to tense muscles in order to brace (oneself)  3a: to have or keep in 
   the grasp  3b: to cause to be or remain in a particular situation, 
   position, or relat ion {~ a ladder steady} 3c: SUPPORT, SUSTAIN  3d: to 
   keep in custody  3e: to have in one's keeping : STORE, RESERVE {~ a r oom} 
   4: BEAR, CARRY, COMPORT {the soldierly way he ~(Xs himself} 5a: to maintain 
   in being or action : keep up without interruption, dimin ution, or flagging 
   {~ silence} 5b: to keep the uninterrupted interest, attention, or devotion 
   of  6a: to receive and retain : CONTAIN, ACCOMMODATE  6b: to have in 
   reserve {what the future ~s}  7a: HARBOR, ENTERTAIN {~ a theory}  7b: 
   CONSIDER, REGARD, JUDGE {truths held to be s elf-evident} 7c: ESTEEM, VALUE 
    8a: to engage in with someone else or with others : do by concerted acti 
   on {~ a conversation} 8b: CONVOKE, CONVENE {~ a meeting of the council}  
   9a: to have earned or been appointed, promoted, or elected to and now occu 
   py (as an office) {~s a captaincy in the navy} 9b: to have earned or been 
   awarded {~s a Ph.d.}  10: to handle so as to guide or manage (as reins or a 
   gun)  1a: to maintain position : not retreat  1b1: to continue in the same 
   way or state : LAST {hopes the weat her will ~} 1b2: to endure a test or 
   trial {if his interest ~s up}  2: to maintain a grasp on something : remain 
   fastened to something {th e anchor held in the rough sea} 3: to derive 
   right or title  4: to bear or carry oneself {asked him to ~ still}  5: to 
   be or remain valid : APPLY {the rule ~s in mos t cases} 6: to go ahead as 
   one has been going {held south for several miles } 7: to forbear an 
   intended or threatened action : HALT, PAUSE  : to qualify for comparison 
   with  : to preach or harangue at length  : to prove at least equal to 
   opposition  1: to be left empty-handed  2: to bear alone a responsibility 
   that should have been shared by others  : to stand up under criticism or 
   analysis  : to agree with or approve of  - hold a candle to 
2. hold n 1: STRONGHOLD  2a: CONFINEMENT, CUSTODY  2b: PRISON  3a1: the act 
   or the manner of holding or grasping : GRIP  3a2: a manner of grasping an 
   opponent in wrestling  3b: a nonphysical bond that attaches, restrains, or 
   constrains or by which  something is affected, controlled, or dominated 3c: 
   full comprehension  4: something that may be grasped as a support  5a: 
   FERMATA  5b: the time between the onset and the release of a vocal 
   articulation  6: a sudden motionless posture at the end of a dance  7: an 
   order or indication that something is to be reserved or delayed 
3. hold n [alter. of hole] 1: the interior of a ship below decks; esp : the 
   cargo deck of a sh ip 2: the cargo compartment of a plane