Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. conduct                2. power                 
1. con.trol \k*n-'tro-l\ \-'tro--l*-b*l\ \-'tro-l-m*nt\ vt or con.trolled;  
   or con.trol.ling [ME controllen, fr. MF contreroller, fr. contrerolle copy 
   of]an account, audit, fr. contre- counter- + rolle roll, account 1: to 
   check, test, or verify by evidence or experiments  2a: to exercise 
   restraining or directing influence over : REGULATE  2b: to have power over 
   : RULE  - con.trol.la.ble aj
2. control n 1a: an act or instance of controlling  1b: skill in the use of 
   a tool, instrument, technique, or artistic medium  1c: direction, 
   regulation, and coordination of production, administration,  and other 
   business activities 2: RESTRAINT, RESERVE  3: a means or method of 
   controlling : one that controls : as  3a: the subject of a control 
   experiment  3b: a mechanism used to regulate or guide the operation of a 
   machine, appar atus, or system 3c: a personality or spirit believed to 
   actuate the utterances or performan ces of a spiritualist medium