Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bore \'bo-(*)r, 'bo.(*)r\ vb [ME boren, fr. OE borian; akin to OHG 
   boro-n to bore, L Xforare to bore, ferire to strike 1: to pierce with or as 
   if with a rotary tool  2: to form or construct by boring  1a: to make a 
   hole by boring  1b: to sink a mine shaft or well  2a: to make one's way 
   laboriously  2b: to move ahead steadily 
2. bore n 1: a hole made by or as if by boring  2a: an interior lengthwise 
   cylindrical cavity  2b: the interior tube of a gun  3a: the size of a hole  
   3b: the interior diameter of a tube : CALIBER, GAUGE  3c: the diameter of 
   an engine cylinder 
3. bore  past of BEAR 
4. bore n [(assumed) ME bore wave, fr. ON ba-ra] : a tidal flood with a 
   high abrupt front 
5. bore n [origin unknown] : one that causes boredom 
6. bore vt : to weary with ennui or tedium