Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. adorn                 
1. gar.nish \'ga:r-nish\ vt [ME garnishen, fr. MF garniss-, stem of garnir 
   to warn, equip], garnish, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG warno-n to take heed - 
   more at WARN 1a: DECORATE, EMBELLISH  1b: to add decorative or savory 
   touches to (food)  2: to equip with accessories : FURNISH  3: GARNISHEE 
2. garnish n 1: EMBELLISHMENT, ORNAMENT  2: a savory and usu. decorative 
   condiment  slang  3a: an unauthorized fee formerly extorted from a new 
   inmate by the keeper o f an English jail 3b: a similar payment required of 
   a new workman