Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. wage                  
1. fee \'fe-\ n [ME, fr. OF fe`, fief, of Gmc origin; akin to OE feoh 
   cattle], property, OHG fihu cattle; akin to L pecus cattle, pecunia money, 
   pectere to comb 1a1: an estate in land held in feudal law from a lord on 
   condition of homag e and service 1a2: a piece of land so held  1b: an 
   inherited or heritable estate in land  2a1: a fixed charge  2a2: a charge 
   for a professional service  2b: TIP  : in absolute and legal possession  - 
   in fee 
2. fee vt or feed;  or fee.ing chiefly Scot  1: HIRE  2: TIP