Webster's English Dictionary

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adorn \*-'do.(*)rn\ vt [ME adornen, fr. MF adorner, fr. L adornare, fr. ad- 
   +]ornare to furnish - more at ORNATE : to decorate with ornaments : 
   BEAUTIFY DECK, GARNISH, : ADORN implies an enhancing by something beautiful 
   in itself; DECORATE suggests relieving plainness or monotony by adding 
   beauty of color or design; ORNAMENT and EMBELLISH imply the adding of 
   something extraneous, ORNAMENT stressing the heightening or setting off of 
   the original, EMBELLISH often stressing the adding of superfluous or 
   adventitious ornament; BEAUTIFY adds to EMBELLISH suggestion of 
   counterbalancing plainness or ugliness; DECK implies the addition of 
   something that contributes to gaiety, splendor, or showiness; GARNISH 
   suggests decorating with a small final touch for use or service SYN syn