warn \'wo.(*)rn\ \'wo.r-n*r\ vb [ME warnen, fr. OE warnian; akin to OHG
warno-n to take he]ed, OE wr careful, aware - more at WARY 1a: to give
notice to before hand esp. of danger or evil 1b: ADMONISH, COUNSEL 1c: to
notify or apprise esp. in advance : INFORM 2: to bid to go or leave : to
give warning simple notification to something to be watched for or guarded
against to admonition or threats of violence or reprisal; FOREWARN
heightens the implication of notifying well in advance of impending danger
or peril; CAUTION stresses giving advice that puts one on guard or suggests
the need of precaution - warn.er n SYN syn FOREWARN, CAUTION: WARN may
range in meaning from