Webster's English Dictionary

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1. gust \'g*st\ \'g*s-t*-b*l\ n [ME guste, fr. L gustus; akin to L gustare 
   to taste - more]at CHOOSE obs  1a: the sensation of taste  1b: INCLINATION, 
   LIKING  obs  2: an esp. pleasing flavor  3: ENJOYMENT, APPRECIATION  - gust 
2. gust \'g*s-t*-le-\ \-te--n*s\ \-te-\ n [prob. fr. ON gustr; akin to OHG 
   gussa flood, OE ge-otan t]o pour - more at FOUND 1: a sudden brief rush of 
   wind  2: a sudden outburst : SURGE  - gust.i.ly av