Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. precipitate           
1. sud.den \'s*d-*n\ \'s*d-*n-(n)*s\ aj [ME sodain, fr. MF, fr. L 
   subitaneus, fr. subitus sudden, fr.] pp. of subire to come up, fr. sub- up 
   + ire to go - more at SUB-, ISSUE 1a: happening or coming unexpectedly {~ 
   shower}  1b: changing angle or character all at once : PRECIPITOUS, ABRU PT 
   2: marked by or manifesting hastiness : RASH  3: made or brought about in a 
   short time : PROMPT {~ cure)> - sud.den.ly av
2. sudden or on a sudden n obs  : an unexpected occurrence : EMERGENCY  : 
   sooner than was expected : at once : SUDDENLY  - all of a sudden