Webster's English Dictionary

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1. rush \'r*sh\ \-e-\ n [ME, fr. OE risc; akin to MHG rusch rush, L restis 
   rope] : any of various monocotyledonous often tufted marsh plants (as of 
   the gen era Juncus and Scirpus of the family Juncaceae, the rush family) 
   with cylindrical often hollow stems which are used in bottoming chairs and 
   plaiting mats - rushy aj
2. rush vb [ME russhen, fr. MF ruser to put to flight, repel, deceive, fr.L 
   Xrecusare to refuse - more at RECUSANCY 1: to move forward, progress, or 
   act with haste or eagerness or without pr eparation 2: to act as carrier of 
   a football in a running play  1: to push or impel on or forward with speed, 
   impetuosity, or violence  2: to perform in a short time or at high speed  
   3: to urge to an unnatural speed  4: to run towards or against in attack : 
   CHARGE  5: to carry (a ball) forward in a running play  6: to lavish 
   attention on : COURT  - rush.er n
3. rush n 1a: a violent forward motion  1b: ONSET, ATTACK  1c: a surging of 
   emotion  2a: a burst of activity, productivity, or speed  2b: a sudden 
   insistent demand  3: a thronging of people usu. to a new place in search of 
   wealth {gold R@} 4: the act of carrying a football during a game : running 
   play  5: a round of attention usu. involving extensive social activity  6: 
   a print of a motion-picture scene processed directly after the shooting  
   for review by the director or producer
4. rush aj : requiring or marked by special speed or urgency {~ orders ~)R 