Webster's English Dictionary

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1. surge \'s*rj\ vb [MF sourge-, stem of sourdre to rise, surge, fr. L 
   surgere to] go straight up, rise, fr. sub- up + regere to lead straight - 
   more at SUB-, RIGHT 1: to rise and fall actively : TOSS  2: to rise and 
   move in waves or billows : SWELL  3: to slip around a windlass, capstan, or 
   bitts - used esp. of a rope  4: to rise suddenly to an excessive or 
   abnormal value - used esp. of cur rent or voltage : to let go or slacken 
   gradually (as a rope) {~ a hawser to preve nt its parting}
2. surge n 1: a swelling, rolling, or sweeping forward like that of a wave 
   or series o f waves 2a: a large wave or billow : SWELL  2b: a series of 
   such swells or billows  3: the tapered part of a windlass barrel or a 
   capstan  4a: a movement (as a slipping or slackening) of a rope or cable  
   4b: a sudden jerk or strain caused by such a movement  5: a transient 
   sudden rise of current in an electrical circuit