Webster's English Dictionary

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1. taste \'ta-st\ vb [ME tasten to touch, test, taste, fr. OF taster, fr. 
   (assumed) VL (Xtaxitare, freq. of L taxare to touch - more at TAX 1: 
   EXPERIENCE, UNDERGO  2: to ascertain the flavor of by taking a little into 
   the mouth  3a: to eat or drink esp. in small quantities  3b: to experience 
   slightly  4: to perceive or recognize as if by the sense of taste  archaic  
   5: APPRECIATE, ENJOY  1: to eat or drink a little  2: to test the flavor of 
   something by taking a small part into the mouth  3: to have perception, 
   experience, or enjoyment : PARTAKE  4: to have a specific flavor 
2. taste n obs  1: TEST  obs  2a: the act of tasting  2b: a small amount 
   tasted  2c: a small amount : BIT; esp : a sample of experience  3: the one 
   of the special senses that perceives and distinguishes the sweet , sour, 
   bitter, or salty quality of a dissolved substance and is mediated by taste 
   buds on the tongue 4: the objective sweet, sour, bitter, or salty quality 
   of a dissolved subst ance as perceived by the sense of taste 5a: a 
   sensation produced by the stimulation of the sense of taste usu. toge ther 
   with that of touch and smell : FLAVOR 5b: the distinctive quality of an 
   experience  6: individual preference : INCLINATION  7a: critical judgment, 
   discernment, or appreciation  7b: manner or aesthetic quality indicative of 
   such discernment or appreciat ionRELISH, SMACK mean that property of a 
   substance that makes it perceptible to the gustatory sense. TASTE merely 
   indicates the property; SAPIDITY implies a highly perceptible taste as 
   opposed to blandness; FLAVOR suggests both taste and smell acting together; 
   SAVOR suggests delicate or pervasive flavor appealing to a sensitive 
   palate; TANG implies a sharp, penetrating savor; RELISH stresses the 
   peculiar flavor of a thing; SMACK suggests a taste imparted by something 
   added to a thing; RELISH and SMACK both strongly connote enjoymentn a 
   liking for something that gives pleasure. TASTE implies a specific liking 
   or interest natural or acquired; PALATE implies a liking dependent on 
   pleasurable sensation; RELISH suggests a capability for keen gratification; 
   GUSTO implies a hearty relish that goes with vitality or high spirits; ZEST 
   implies eagerness and avidity for doing, making, encountering, experiencing