Webster's English Dictionary

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1. brief \'bre-f\ aj [ME bref, breve, fr. MF brief, fr. L brevis; akin to 
   OH]G murg short, Gk brachys 1: short in duration or extent  2a: CONCISE  
   2b: CURT, ABRUPT imarily to duration and may imply condensation, 
   conciseness, or occas. intensity; SHORT may imply sudden stoppage or 
   incompleteness - brief.ly av SYN syn BRIEF, SHORT mean lacking length. 
   BRIEF applies pr 
2. brief n [ME bref, fr. MF, fr. ML brevis, fr. LL, summary, fr. L brevisX, 
   adj. 1: an official letter or mandate; esp : a papal letter less formal  
   than a bull 2: a brief written item or document : as  2a: a concise article 
    2b: SYNOPSIS, SUMMARY  2c: a concise statement of a client's case made out 
   for the instruction of  counsel in a trial at law 3: an outline of an 
   argument; esp : a formal outline esp. in law th at sets forth the main 
   contentions with supporting statements or evidence 4: short snug underpants 
   - usu. used in pl. 
3. brief vt 1: to make an abstract or abridgment of  Brit  2: to retain as 
   legal counsel  3a: to give final precise instructions to  3b: to coach 
   thoroughly in advance  3c: to give essential information to