1. wind \'wind, archaic or poetic 'wi-nd\ n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG wint
wind, L ventus, Gk ae-nai to] often attrib blow, Skt va-ti it blows 1a: a
natural movement of air of any velocity; esp : air in natural motion
horizontally 1b: an artificially produced movement of air 2a: a
destructive force or influence 2b: a force or agency that carries along or
influences : TENDENCY, TREND 3a: BREATH 3b: BREATH 3c: the pit of the
stomach : SOLAR PLEXUS 4: gas generated in the stomach or the intestines
5a: compressed air or gas archaic 5b: AIR 6: something that is
insubstantial : as 6a: mere talk : idle words 6b: NOTHING, NOTHINGNESS
6c: vain self-satisfaction 7a: air carrying a scent (as of a hunter or
game) 7b: slight information esp. about something secret : INTIMATION 8a:
musical wind instruments esp. as distinguished from strings and percuss ion
pl 8b: players of wind instruments 9a: a direction from which the wind
may blow : a point of the compass; Xesp : one of the cardinal points 9b:
the direction from which the wind is blowing : to become excited or
alarmed : to be on the scent of 1: to be to windward of 2: to be on the
scent of 3: to have a superior position to : about to happen : ASTIR,
AFOOT 1: CLOSE-HAULED 2: close to a point of danger : near the
permissible limit : away from the direction from which the wind is blowing
1: to leeward 2: in a place protected from the wind : under the lee -
get the wind up
2. wind \'wind\ vt 1: to detect or follow by scent 2: to expose to the air
or wind : dry by exposing to air 3: to make short of breath 4: to
regulate the wind supply of (an organ pipe) 5: to rest (as a horse) in
order to allow the breath to be recovered 1: to scent game dial 2: to
pause for breath
3. wind \'wi-nd, 'wind\ \'wi-n-d*d, 'win-\ \'wau.nd\ vb or wind.ed or
wound; or [1wind] 1: to cause (as a horn) to sound by blowing :
BLOW {little fishi ng boats ~ their conchs -Mary H. Vorse} 2: to sound (as
a call or note) on a horn {wound a rousing call mR.L. Stevenson} : to
produce a sound on a horn
4. wind \'wi-nd\ \'wau.nd\ vb or wound also wind.ed; also [ME
winden, fr. OE windan to twist, move with speed or force, brand]ish; akin
to OHG wintan to wind, Umbrian ohavendu let him turn aside 1: BEND, WARP
2: to have a curving course or shape : extend in curves 3: to move so as
to encircle 4: to turn when lying at anchor obs 1a: WEAVE 1b: ENTANGLE,
INVOLVE 1c: to introduce sinuously or stealthily : INSINUATE 2a: to
encircle or cover with something pliable : bind with loops or lay ers 2b:
to turn completely or repeatedly about an object : COIL, TW INE 2c1: to
hoist or haul by means of a rope or chain and a windlass 2c2: to move (a
ship) by hauling on a capstan 2d1: to tighten the spring of {~ a clock ~
up a toy train} obs 2d2: to make tighter : TIGHTEN, TUNE, CRANK {woun d
down the car window} 2e: to raise to a high level (as of excitement or
tension) 3a: to cause to move in a curving line or path archaic 3b: to
turn the course of; esp : to lead (a person) as one wishes 3c1: to cause
(as a ship) to change direction : TURN 3c2: to turn (a ship) end for end
3d: to traverse on a curving course {the river ~s the valley } 3e: to
effect by curving - n
5. wind \'wi-nd\ n 1: a mechanism (as a winch) for winding 2: an act of
winding : the state of being wound 3: COIL, TURN 4: a particular method
of winding