Webster's English Dictionary

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1. il.lu.mi.nate \il-'u:-m*-n*t\ aj archaic  1: brightened with light  
   archaic  2: intellectually or spiritually enlightened 
2. il.lu.mi.nate \-.na-t\ \il-'u:-m*-.na-t-*r\ vt [L illuminatus, pp. of 
   illuminare, fr. in- + luminare t]o light up, fr. lumin-, lumen light - more 
   at LUMINARY 1a1: to supply or brighten with light  1a2: to make luminous or 
   shining  1b: ENLIGHTEN  archaic  1c: to set alight  2: to make clear : 
   ELUCIDATE  3: to make illustrious or resplendent  4: to decorate (as a 
   manuscript) with gold or silver or brilliant colors o r with often 
   elaborate designs or miniature pictures - il.lu.mi.na.tor n