Webster's English Dictionary

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1. elab.o.rate \i-'lab-(*-)r*t\ aj [L elaboratus, fr. pp. of elaborare to 
   work out, acquire by labor,]fr. e- + laborare to work 1: planned or carried 
   out with great care : DETAILED {~ ca lculations} 2: marked by complexity, 
   fullness of detail, or ornateness  3: PAINSTAKING  - elab.o.rate.ly av
2. elab.o.rate \i-'lab-*-.ra-t\ \-.lab-*-'ra--sh*n\ \-'lab-*-.ra-t-iv\ vt 
   1: to produce by labor  2: to build up (complex organic compounds) from 
   simple ingredients  3: to work out in detail : DEVELOP  1: to become 
   elaborate  2: to give details  - elab.o.ra.tion n