Webster's English Dictionary

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im.per.son.al \(')im-'p*rs-n*l, -*n-*l\ \(.)im-.p*rs-*n-'al-*t-e-\ 
   \(')im-'p*rs-n*-.li-z, -*n-*-.li-z\ \-n*-le-, -*n-*-le-\ aj [LL 
   impersonalis, fr. L in- + LL personalis personal] of a verb  1a: denoting 
   the action of an unspecified agent and hence used with no exp ressed 
   subject (as methinks) or with a merely formal subject (as rained in it 
   rained) of a pronoun  1b: INDEFINITE  2a: having no personal reference or 
   connection {~ criticism}  2b: not engaging the human personality or 
   emotions  2c: not existing as a person {an ~ deity}  - im.per.son.al.i.ty n